Shaquille O'Neal admits to never voting before this presidential election

Posted by Patria Henriques on Friday, May 31, 2024

Actualizado 11/10/2020 - 22:19

Former NBA star Shaquille O'Neal has made a rather surprising admission that he had never voted until this year. He did then add, however, that he feels good now that he has finally exercised his right.

The United States' presidential election sees current president Donald Trump go up against Joe Biden, which has inspired O'Neal to vote for the first time. But the New Jersey native didn't offer any insight as to which of the presidential candidates received his vote. "I voted for the first time, and it feels good," O'Neal revealed on his own podcast - The Big Podcast with Shaq.

The ex-Los Angeles Lakers icon did explain that he knows that there was no excuse for not voting in previous elections and that he might get "roasted" for admitting that he first voted at 48 years old. "You know I always like being honest on my podcast," O'Neal continued to tell co-host John Kincade. "I've never voted before, America. "But, now I'm doing all these voting campaigns, and you know one thing I never like to do is be a hypocrite."

Kincade was surprised to hear the admission

"I can't believe it," the co-host responded. "You're going to get buried for this. I'm glad you voted, though. That's awesome. You were very honest there. I can't believe you didn't vote for [Barack] Obama."

One of his reservations about voting earlier appeared to be due to a lack of understanding of the system and he did admit to not understanding the electoral college system in place in the United States. To explain his point, he brought up the 2016 election wherein Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, but still lost out to Trump.

O'Neal recently partnered with former first lady Michelle Obama to encourage US residents to vote themselves. "It has never been more important to exercise your right to vote," O'Neal wrote on social media earlier in the week.
