Katie Holmes covers InStyle, says she doesnt feel like having another baby

Posted by Patria Henriques on Tuesday, May 28, 2024


Katie Holmes is the cover girl for the August issue of InStyle, and these are some shots from the pictorial. I’m kind of meh on it – Katie’s been looking so good lately in candids, and in these overly ‘Shopped photos, she just looks plastic and cartoonish. The only thing I take away from the shoot is that she should wear more dark green – that shade of green really agrees with her coloring. Anyway, in the interview excerpts from InStyle, it’s basically the same old robot, except for one notable quote – Katie comes very close to saying that she doesn’t want to have another baby. THAT is very interesting.

Katie on date nights with Tom: “Two years ago he took me up on his P-51 Mustang, a fighter plane from World War II. He painted the words, ‘Kiss Me, Kate’ on the side… It feels like you’re on a bike in the sky. I thought, I’m either going to spend this whole flight totally freaked out or realize this is pretty thrilling.”

Katie on Tom and getting romantic: When you’re married to one of the world’s biggest movie stars, whom Holmes calls a “manly romantic,” life is bound to be exciting but also challenging when it comes to balancing careers and family. “In our family we have a policy: we make it work,” she says. “We Skype, and we try not to go for a week without seeing each other. We’re also very good at setting up camp wherever we go.”

Being a mom has influenced her work: “My work has changed for the better. I have more to bring to a role.”

She doesn’t feel pressure to have another baby: “We already have a very big family; a full household with cousins who are over a lot, and she has her friends,” Holmes says. “My biggest thing is making sure she’s fully taken care of and doing well.”

Experimenting with fashion: “I’m not afraid to try a new designer or do something trendy, but it has to look right on my body. You don’t want to look like a fashion victim!”

Aging: “Hopefully I can age gracefully. And if not, I’ll have to figure it out. But I don’t think I’m ever going to do my lips – my sisters would kill me!”

Teaching her younger self: “If there were one thing I could teach my younger self, it would be this: Realize your own power.”

On the excitement of landing new roles: “Every time I get a job I cry. It sounds hokey, but it’s a sparkly moment that reminds you you’re living your dream every day. No matter how many roles you get, it’s like, ‘Somebody thinks I can do it!'”

On always making sure to be ‘ladylike’: “I always try to conduct myself in a ladylike manner. That was my mom’s advice to me before every school dance, and it’s really locked in.”

[From People/The JJB]

I applaud Katie for talking about how she doesn’t really feel the need to have another kid – I think it’s brave, considering most people expected her to have another baby, and considering there are constantly “bump watches” on her slouchy frame. She’s not giving into societal pressures… but of course, there could be other explanations (that I won’t get into).

LMAO at “Every time I get a job I cry. It sounds hokey, but it’s a sparkly moment that reminds you you’re living your dream every day.” Oh, honey. Poor robot.




InStyle photos courtesy of The JJB.
